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The NewSof Group created the content and algorithms for a smoking cessation program that can effectively take advantage of HealthLift's patented, integrated tailoring with daily incremental behavioral intervention. The algorithmic design required high reach and impact in a complex behavior-change process that can’t be solved through a single intervention. Rather, successful cessation requires taking the users through a series of integrated steps that become a full solution. The key objectives and goals of this product were:

To develop an architecture for building an online tailored smoking cessation intervention that can provide comprehensive personal support and guidance
To demonstrate how tailoring and day-to-day intervention can be an effective means of delivering a highly effective smoking cessation program
To demonstrate that the smoking cessation program can be used as a template for the creation of a series of health behavior change programs
To validate the application of the patent for the purpose of furthering business opportunities for HealthLift


©2006 NewSof Group Inc