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City of New York

One out of every 8 people in the City of New York receives their health benefits through some aspect of the City’s benefits program. This provided the city an opportunity to not only improve the health of its benefits recipients, but to impact the health status of the population of the City itself. NewSof delivered a process and plan to address this opportunity. Specifically, NewSof:

Clarified and prioritized the NYC Department of Health desired outcomes for a health promotion program
Provided a general review of the demographics of the NYC workforce and insured dependents to estimate risk factors/health problems that would need to be addressed to improve the health status of this population
Reviewed the structure of the NYC workforce to determine the most effective means to pilot and rollout a comprehensive workforce program
Generated an estimate of potential net savings (short and long term) and health benefits from the implementation of health promotion services, with a rationale and documentation supporting this estimate
Projected of the cost of implementation
Created an implementation plan for the model development and delivery of a comprehensive health promotion program for the NYC workforce and insured population over a 3-year period.


©2006 NewSof Group Inc