Douglas E. Goldstein
Douglas is the author and editor of the book and CD-ROM, e-Healthcare: Harness the Power of Internet e-Commerce and e-Care (Aspen Publishers, Inc. 2000). He has been the e-Strategist and developer of many health and medical Web sites including: Medformation.com, HealthOnline.com, Health Adventure (a 1998 Smithsonian ComputerWorld nominee), GreatestHits.com, DreamDog.com, Bio-Portraits.com, THEO (Teen Health Education Online), and eHealthcare.net. Doug is the President of eHealthcare.net, an innovative development and consulting firm dedicated to better health care through appropriate use of technology. He also has served as founder, Chairman and CEO of Health Online, Inc., for eight years and was a co-founder and vice president of 1-800-DOCTORS (1-800-DOCTORS.COM), a doctor information and appointment service. Doug also serves on several advisory boards for public and private e-health companies including RnetHealth, Inc. (www.rnethealth.com) and Cytura, Inc. (www.cytura.com). He writes "Medical Internet," a monthly column for Managed Care Interface magazine and he has penned numerous articles on healthcare e-commerce and e-care. In addition to the recent e-healthcare book and CD-ROM, he was the lead author of five finance, health care, and business "Best of the Net" Internet books from McGraw Hill Irwin and three noted books on health care management.
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